Sunday, February 7, 2010

Overheard at the Monastery: Naptio Divina

I spent 5 days at the Benedictine monastery in Pecos, N.M. recently.

Father Sam, the 86-year-old monk who has been at the monastery for a long, long time, is still quick-witted and engaging. After lunch one day (the only meal of the day at which we could talk around the table), I asked Father Sam if he was going to take a nap that afternoon.

He responded, "Every afternoon I get my naptio divina!"

Ahhh . . . "sacred resting" . . . "holy napping" . . . I like that!!


  1. Now that's a Spiritual Discipline I have mastered!

  2. Haven't ya'll been using this in the contemplative service for years?
